TWINKLE is a general English course for children based on a communicative approach. It combines the best in current methodology with special features designed to make learning and teaching easier and more enjoyable.
The Student's Book provides approximately 80 hours of teaching material divided into nine units of five lessons that focus on the development of receptive and productive language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing, along with the corresponding grammar and vocabulary. The last lesson of each unit includes a project, a song or a chant, and assessment page. Sometimes when needed, a grammar focus box has been included either un the Student's Book or the Teacher's Book to clarify.
The TWINKLE series is accompanied by an audio CD with recordings of all listening exercises, songs and chants.
The Teacher's Guide for each book in the series contains reproductions of the pages of the Student's Book, step by step instructions, answer keys for all exercises and production models for speaking and writing activities.
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